# === Understanding pain.txt (monster pain messages) === # type: serial number # message: message # message: message # etc. # 'type' indicates the beginning of an entry. The serial number must # increase for each new item. # 'message' is for the pain message. Each entry must have 7 messages -- # each one corresponds to a range of health, with higher messages # being displayed when a monster is damaged only a little, and lower # messages being displayed when a monster is near death. type:1 message:shrug[s] off the attack. message:grunt[s] with pain. message:cr[ies|y] out in pain. message:scream[s] in pain. message:scream[s] in agony. message:writhe[s] in agony. message:cr[ies|y] out feebly. type:2 message:barely notice[s]. message:flinch[es]. message:squelch[es]. message:quiver[s] in pain. message:writhe[s] about. message:writhe[s] in agony. message:jerk[s] limply. type:3 message:shrug[s] off the attack. message:snarl[s] with pain. message:yelp[s] in pain. message:howl[s] in pain. message:howl[s] in agony. message:writhe[s] in agony. message:yelp[s] feebly. type:4 message:ignore[s] the attack. message:grunt[s] with pain. message:squeal[s] in pain. message:shriek[s] in pain. message:shriek[s] in agony. message:writhe[s] in agony. message:cr[ies|y] out feebly. type:5 message:barely notice[s]. message:hiss[es]. message:rear[s] up in anger. message:hiss[es] furiously. message:writhe[s] about. message:writhe[s] in agony. message:jerk[s] limply. type:6 message:shrug[s] off the attack. message:snarl[s]. message:growl[s] angrily. message:hiss[es] in pain. message:mewl[s] in pain. message:hiss[es] in agony. message:mewl[s] pitifully. type:7 message:ignore[s] the attack. message:drone[s] angrily. message:scuttle[s] about. message:twitch[es] in pain. message:jerk[s] in pain. message:jerk[s] in agony. message:jerk[s] feebly. type:8 message:shrug[s] off the attack. message:flap[s] angrily. message:jeer[s] in pain. message:squawk[s] with pain. message:twitter[s] in agony. message:flutter[s] about. message:chirp[s] feebly. type:9 message:ignore[s] the attack. message:jerk[s]. message:rattle[s]. message:clatter[s]. message:shake[s]. message:stagger[s]. message:crumple[s]. type:10 message:ignore[s] the attack. message:grunt[s]. message:jerk[s]. message:moan[s]. message:groan[s]. message:hesitate[s]. message:stagger[s]. type:11 message:ignore[s] the attack. message:spin[s] fiercely. message:swirl[s] about. message:twist[s] around. message:spin[s] slowly. message:swirl[s] weakly. message:twist[s] limply. type:12 message:laugh[s] off the attack. message:sneer[s]. message:scowl[s]. message:bellow[s] in rage. message:scream[s] in fury. message:grunt[s]. message:wince[s].