# File: socials.txt # Simple role-playing messages. # A large portion of those messages was ported from CircleMUD 3.1: # http://www.circlemud.org/pub/CircleMUD/3.x/uncompressed/ # circle-3.1/lib/misc/socials # === Understanding socials.txt === # N: action # I: target: max_dist # D: description # 'N' indicates the beginning of an entry. # 'I' is for basic information. The target tells if the action # asks for a target or not. The max_dist tells the maximal # distance to target (0 to disable). # 'D' is for description. Each social contains 5 lines of text. # First 2 lines are for actions without a target: # Line 1 specifies what the player sees. # Line 2 specifies what others near the player see. # Next 3 lines are for actions with a target: # Line 3 specifies what the player sees. # Line 4 specifies what others near the player see. # Line 5 specifies what the target sees. # Lines are formatted, using the following format specifiers: # $n = player name # $s = possessive, genderized (player) # $m = objective (or reflexive), genderized (player) # $N = target name # $S = possessive, genderized (target) # $M = objective (or reflexive), genderized (target) N:accuse I:1:5 D:You accuse yourself.# D:$n seems to have a bad conscience.# D:You look accusingly at $N.# D:$n looks accusingly at $N.# D:$n looks accusingly at you. N:afk I:0:0 D:AFK for a moment!# D:$n seems to be AFK. N:applaud I:0:0 D:Clap, clap, clap.# D:$n gives a round of applause. N:beg I:1:0 D:You beg the gods for mercy.# D:The gods fall down laughing at $n's request for mercy.# D:You desperately try to squeeze a few coins from $N.# D:$n begs $N for a dime or two.# D:$n begs you for money. N:bleed I:0:0 D:You bleed profusely.# D:$n bleeds profusely. N:blush I:0:0 D:Your cheeks are burning.# D:$n blushes. N:bounce I:0:0 D:BOIINNNNNNGG!# D:$n bounces around. N:bow I:1:5 D:You bow deeply.# D:$n bows deeply.# D:You bow before $N.# D:$n bows before $N.# D:$n bows before you. N:brb I:0:0 D:Come back soon!# D:$n will be right back! N:burp I:0:0 D:You burp loudly.# D:$n burps loudly. N:cackle I:0:0 D:You cackle gleefully.# D:$n throws back $s head and cackles with insane glee! N:chuckle I:0:0 D:You chuckle politely.# D:$n chuckles politely. N:clap I:0:0 D:You clap your small hands together.# D:$n shows $s approval by clapping $s small hands together. N:comb I:1:0 D:You comb your hair.# D:$n combs $s hair.# D:You patiently untangle $N's hair.# D:$n tries patiently to untangle $N's hair.# D:$n pulls your hair in an attempt to comb it. N:comfort I:1:5 D:Do you feel uncomfortable?# D:$n comforts $mself.# D:You comfort $N.# D:$n comforts $N.# D:$n comforts you. N:cough I:0:0 D:Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time!# D:$n coughs loudly. N:cringe I:1:0 D:You cringe in terror.# D:$n cringes in terror!# D:You cringe away from $N.# D:$n cringes away from $N in mortal terror.# D:$n cringes away from you. N:cry I:1:5 D:Waaaaah..# D:$n bursts into tears.# D:You cry on $N's shoulder.# D:$n cries on $N's shoulder.# D:$n cries on your shoulder. N:cuddle I:1:5 D:You must feel very cuddly indeed.# D:$n feels very cuddly.# D:You cuddle $N.# D:$n cuddles $N.# D:$n cuddles you. N:curse I:0:0 D:You swear loudly for a long time.# D:$n swears. N:curtsey I:0:0 D:You curtsey to your audience.# D:$n curtseys gracefully. N:dance I:1:8 D:Feels silly, doesn't it?# D:$n tries to dance breakdance but nearly breaks $s neck!# D:You lead $N to the dancefloor.# D:$n sends $N across the dancefloor.# D:$n sends you across the dancefloor. N:daydream I:0:0 D:You dream of better times.# D:$n looks absent-minded, $s eyes staring into space. N:drool I:1:0 D:You start to drool.# D:$n starts to drool.# D:You drool all over $N.# D:$n drools all over $N.# D:$n drools all over you. N:embrace I:1:0 D:You embrace yourself??# D:$n gives $mself a warm self-embrace.# D:You embrace $N warmly.# D:$n embraces $N warmly.# D:$n embraces you warmly. N:fart I:0:0 D:Where are your manners?# D:$n lets off a real rip-roarer! N:flip I:0:0 D:You flip head over heels.# D:$n flips head over heels. N:flirt I:1:5 D:You flirt outrageously.# D:$n flirts outragously.# D:You flirt outrageously with $N.# D:$n flirts outrageously with $N.# D:$n flirts outrageously with you. N:fondle I:1:5 D:You fondly fondle yourself.# D:$n fondly fondles $mself.# D:You fondly fondle $N.# D:$n fondly fondles $N.# D:$n fondly fondles you. N:french I:1:0 D:You gather yourself in your arms and try to kiss yourself.# D:$n makes an attempt at kissing $mself.# D:You give $N a long and passionate kiss.# D:$n kisses $N passionately.# D:$n gives you a long and passionate kiss. N:frown I:0:0 D:What's bothering you?# D:$n frowns. N:fume I:1:5 D:Take it easy now!# D:$n grits $s teeth and fumes with rage.# D:You stare at $N, fuming.# D:$n stares at $N, fuming with rage.# D:$n stares at you, fuming with rage! N:gasp I:0:0 D:You gasp in astonishment.# D:$n gasps in astonishment. N:giggle I:0:0 D:You giggle.# D:$n giggles. N:glare I:1:5 D:You glare at nothing in particular.# D:$n glares around $mself.# D:You glare icily at $N.# D:$n glares at $N.# D:$n glares icily at you. N:greet I:1:0 D:So, you've finally discovered yourself!# D:$n greets $mself.# D:You greet $N with a light kiss on $S cheek.# D:$n greets $N with a light kiss on $S cheek.# D:$n greets you with a light kiss on your cheek. N:grin I:0:0 D:You grin evilly.# D:$n grins evilly. N:groan I:0:0 D:You groan loudly.# D:$n groans loudly. N:grope I:1:5 D:You grope yourself.# D:$n gropes $mself.# D:You grope $N.# D:$n gropes $N.# D:$n gropes you. N:grovel I:1:0 D:You grovel in the dirt.# D:$n grovels in the dirt.# D:You grovel before $N.# D:$n grovels in dirt before $N.# D:$n grovels in dirt before you. N:growl I:0:0 D:Grrrrrrrrr...# D:$n growls. N:hiccup I:0:0 D:*HIC*# D:$n hiccups. N:hug I:1:5 D:You hug yourself.# D:$n hugs $mself.# D:You hug $N.# D:$n hugs $N.# D:$n hugs you. N:kiss I:1:0 D:All the lonely people...# D:$n feels lonely.# D:You kiss $N.# D:$n kisses $N.# D:$n kisses you. N:laugh I:0:0 D:You fall down laughing.# D:$n falls down laughing. N:lick I:1:0 D:You lick your mouth and smile.# D:$n licks $s mouth and smiles.# D:You lick $N.# D:$n licks $N.# D:$n licks you. N:lmao I:0:0 D:You laugh your ass off.# D:$n laughs $s ass off. N:lol I:0:0 D:You laugh out loud.# D:$n laughs out loud. N:love I:1:0 D:You love the whole world.# D:$n loves everybody in the world.# D:You tell your true feelings to $N.# D:$n whispers softly to $N.# D:$n whispers to you sweet words of love. N:massage I:1:0 D:You practise yoga as you try to massage yourself.# D:$n gives a show on yoga-positions, trying to massage $mself.# D:You gently massage $N's shoulders.# D:$n massages $N's shoulders.# D:$n gently massages your shoulders. N:moan I:0:0 D:You start to moan.# D:$n starts moaning. N:nibble I:1:0 D:You nibble... on your OWN ear?# D:$n nibbles... on $s OWN ear!# D:You nibbles on $N's ear.# D:$n nibbles on $N's ear.# D:$n nibbles on your ear. N:nod I:0:0 D:You nod solemnly.# D:$n nods solemnly. N:nudge I:1:0 D:Well, just nudge yourself, but how do you get your elbow in that position?# D:$n nudges $mself with $s elbows, looking like a large chicken.# D:You nudge $N with your elbow.# D:$n nudges $N suggestively with $s elbow.# D:$n nudges you suggestively. N:nuzzle I:1:5 D:I'm sorry, friend, but there's nobody around.# D:$n tries to nuzzle up against someone, but there's nobody around.# D:You nuzzle $N's neck softly.# D:$n softly nuzzles $N's neck.# D:$n softly nuzzles your neck. N:pat I:1:0 D:You pat yourself on your head.# D:$n pats $mself on the head.# D:You pat $N on $S head.# D:$n pats $N on $S head.# D:$n pats you on your head. N:peer I:0:0 D:You peer around you.# D:$n peers around. N:point I:1:0 D:You point at yourself.# D:$n points at $mself.# D:You point at $N.# D:$n muffles a laugh, pointing at $N.# D:$n points at you. N:poke I:1:0 D:You poke yourself in the ribs.# D:$n pokes $mself in the ribs.# D:You poke $N in the ribs.# D:$n pokes $N in the ribs.# D:$n pokes you in the ribs. N:ponder I:0:0 D:You ponder over matters as they appear to you at this moment.# D:$n sinks deeply into $s own thoughts. N:pout I:0:0 D:Ah, don't take it so hard.# D:$n pouts. N:pray I:1:0 D:You feel righteous, and maybe a little foolish.# D:$n begs and grovels to the powers that be.# D:You crawl in the dust before $N.# D:$n falls down and grovels in the dirt before $N.# D:$n kisses the dirt at your feet. N:puke I:1:0 D:You puke on yourself.# D:$n pukes on $s clothes.# D:You puke on $N.# D:$n pukes on $N.# D:$n pukes on your clothes! N:punch I:1:0 D:Punch the air?# D:$n starts shadow-boxing.# D:You punch $N right in the face!# D:$n punches weakly at $N.# D:$n tries a punch at you. N:purr I:0:0 D:MMMMEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW.# D:$n purrs contentedly. N:rofl I:0:0 D:You roll on the floor laughing.# D:$n rolls on the floor laughing. N:roflmao I:0:0 D:You roll on the floor laughing your ass off.# D:$n rolls on the floor laughing $s ass off. N:roll I:1:0 D:You roll your eyes in disgust.# D:$n rolls $s eyes in disgust.# D:You look at $N and roll your eyes in disgust.# D:$n looks at $N in contempt and rolls $s eyes with disgust.# D:$n stares at you and rolls $s eyes in digust. N:ruffle I:1:0 D:You ruffle your hair.# D:$n ruffles $s hair.# D:You ruffle $N's hair playfully.# D:$n ruffles $N's hair playfully.# D:$n ruffles your hair playfully. N:scream I:0:0 D:ARRRRRRRRRGH!!!# D:$n screams loudly! N:shake I:1:5 D:You shake your head.# D:$n shakes $s head.# D:You shake $N's hand.# D:$n shakes $N's hand.# D:$n shakes your hand. N:shiver I:0:0 D:Brrrrrrrr.# D:$n shivers uncomfortably. N:shrug I:0:0 D:You shrug.# D:$n shrugs helplessly. N:sigh I:0:0 D:You sigh.# D:$n sighs loudly. N:sing I:0:0 D:You raise your clear voice towards the sky.# D:$n begins to sing. N:slap I:1:0 D:You slap yourself.# D:$n slaps $mself.# D:You slap $N.# D:$n slaps $N.# D:You are slapped by $n. N:smile I:1:0 D:You smile happily.# D:$n smiles happily.# D:You smile at $N.# D:$n beams a smile at $N.# D:$n smiles at you. N:smirk I:0:0 D:You smirk.# D:$n smirks. N:snap I:0:0 D:You snap your fingers.# D:$n snaps $s fingers. N:snarl I:1:0 D:You snarl like a viscious animal.# D:$n snarls like a cornered, viscious animal.# D:You snarl at $N angrily.# D:$n snarls angrily at $N.# D:$n snarls viciously at you. N:sneeze I:0:0 D:Gesundheit!# D:$n sneezes. N:snicker I:0:0 D:You snicker softly.# D:$n snickers softly. N:sniff I:0:0 D:You sniff sadly.# D:$n sniffs sadly. N:snore I:0:0 D:Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.# D:$n snores loudly. N:snowball I:1:0 D:You conjure a snowball from thin air and throw it at yourself.# D:$n conjures a snowball from thin air and throws it at $mself.# D:You throw a snowball in $N's face.# D:$n conjures a snowball from thin air and throws it at $N.# D:$n conjures a snowball from thin air and throws it at you. N:snuggle I:1:5 D:I'm sorry, friend, but there's nobody around.# D:$n tries to snuggle up to someone, but there's nobody around...# D:You snuggle $N.# D:$n snuggles up to $N.# D:$n snuggles up to you. N:spank I:1:8 D:You spank the thin air with a flat hand.# D:$n spanks the thin air with a flat hand.# D:You spank $N vigorously, long and hard.# D:$n spanks $N over $s knee.# D:$n spanks you long and hard. N:spit I:1:0 D:You spit over your left shoulder.# D:$n spits over $s left shoulder.# D:You spit on $N.# D:$n spits in $N's face.# D:$n spits in your face. N:squeeze I:1:0 D:You squeeze yourself.# D:$n squeezes $mself.# D:You squeeze $N fondly.# D:$n squeezes $N fondly.# D:$n squeezes you fondly. N:stare I:1:5 D:You stare at the sky.# D:$n stares at the sky.# D:You stare dreamily at $N, completely lost in $S eyes.# D:$n stares dreamily at $N.# D:$n stares dreamily at you, completely lost in your eyes. N:steam I:0:0 D:You let out some steam.# D:$n lets out a lot of steam. N:stroke I:1:0 D:You are about to do something you would rather not be caught doing.# D:$n starts to do something disgusting and then stops.# D:You gently stroke $N's inner thigh.# D:$n gently strokes $N's inner thigh...# D:$n gently strokes your inner thigh with feathery touches. N:strut I:0:0 D:Strut your stuff.# D:$n struts proudly. N:sulk I:0:0 D:You sulk.# D:$n sulks in the corner. N:tackle I:1:5 D:You tackle the air.# D:$n starts running around $mself in an attempt to tackle the air.# D:You ruthlessly tackle $N to the ground.# D:$n ruthlessly tackles $N, pinning $M to the ground.# D:$n suddenly lunges at you and tackles you to the ground! N:tango I:1:8 D:Feels rather stupid, doesn't it?# D:$n puts a rose between $s teeth and tries to tango with $mself.# D:You put a rose between your teeth and tango with $N seductively.# D:$n puts a rose between $s teeth and tangos with $N seductively.# D:$n puts a rose between $s teeth and tangos with you seductively. N:taunt I:1:0 D:You taunt yourself, almost making you cry.# D:$n taunts $mself to tears.# D:You taunt $N, to your own delight.# D:$n taunts $N rather insultingly.# D:$n taunts you. N:thank I:1:5 D:You thank yourself since nobody else wants to!# D:$n thanks $mself since you won't.# D:You thank $N heartily.# D:$n thanks $N heartily.# D:$n thanks you heartily. N:think I:1:0 D:You think about life, the universe and everything.# D:$n sinks deeply into thought about the meaning of life.# D:You think about what purpose $N has in relation to your life.# D:$n stops and thinks about $N, completely lost in thought.# D:Your ears burn as $n thinks about you. N:tickle I:1:0 D:You tickle yourself.# D:$n tickles $mself.# D:You tickle $N.# D:$n tickles $N.# D:$n tickles you. N:twiddle I:0:0 D:You patiently twiddle your thumbs.# D:$n patiently twiddles $s thumbs. N:wave I:1:0 D:You wave.# D:$n waves happily.# D:You wave goodbye to $N.# D:$n waves goodbye to $N.# D:$n waves goodbye to you. N:whine I:0:0 D:You whine pitifully.# D:$n whines pitifully about the whole situation. N:whistle I:0:0 D:You whistle appreciatively.# D:$n whistles appreciatively. N:wiggle I:0:0 D:Your wiggle your bottom.# D:$n wiggles $s bottom. N:wink I:1:5 D:Have you got something in your eye?# D:$n winks suggestively.# D:You wink suggestively at $N.# D:$n winks at $N.# D:$n winks suggestively at you. N:worship I:1:5 D:You find yourself head-down in the dirt, worshipping.# D:$n starts worshipping $s god.# D:You fall to your knees and worship $N deeply.# D:$n falls to $s knees, worshipping $N with uncanny dedication.# D:$n kneels before you in solemn worship. N:yawn I:0:0 D:Gosh, will you trade those teeth for mine??# D:$n yawns. N:yodel I:0:0 D:You start yodelling loudly and rather beautifully in your own ears.# D:$n starts a yodelling session that goes right to the bone.