Configuration files

Tangaria allows you to change various aspects of the game to suit your tastes. You may define macroes, modify the visuals (allowing you to change the appearance of monsters, objects, or terrain features), change the colours (allowing you to make a given colour brighter, darker, or even completely different), or set options (turning them off or on). Most of this stuff could be manually edited in config files.


This config file contains control options for how your client starts up and behaves. 

[Angband] – graphics options for mangclient.exe:
Graphics=1 – means graphics (tileset) is on
Graphics_Nice=0 – means sustain proportions of tiles
TileWidth=3 – tileset tiles width propotrion
TileHeight=2 – tileset tiles height propotrion

[MAngband] – client options to enter a default name, password and server (works for all clients – mangclient.exe, mangclient_gcu.exe, mangclient_sdl.exe):
nick=MyCharacterNameHere – pick a name. Spaces are allowed. The name should be no longer than 15 characters and shouldn’t contain any “special” characters.
pass=MyPasswordHere – pick a password. It should not be more than 15 characters long. Also, you shouldn’t use a password that you use anywhere else, because it is not encrypted. – predifined server (will not show metaserver options if on) – metaserver address (hub which gather all MAngband variants)
meta_port=8802 – metaserver port
DisableNumlock=1 – disable NumLock key by default
LighterBlue=1 – make blue color easier to read on black background
IntroMusic=1 – to play intro music

Below here we get into the joys of the windows – positions, fonts, sizes and names follow for mangclient.exe:

[Term-0] (don’t change the variables in [brackets] or the windows won’t display)
Visible=1 – turns window on and off. On=1, Off=0;
Font=16X24TX.FON – which font to use in this window; extra fonts contained in \lib\xtra\font;
Bizarre=1 – hold proportion;
TileWid=16 – width of tile, used in this window;
TileHgt=24 – height of tile, used in this window;
NumCols=97 – standard text columns. In other words how wide and how many lines your window can show;
NumRows=33 – number of rows;
PositionX=1 – X co-ordinate of the upper left corner of your window pixel by pixel;
PositionY=0 – Y co-ordinate of the upper left corner of your window pixel by pixel;
Maximized=0 – is it window maximized.



This config file could be found in \lib\user and it contains mangclient_sdl.exe client options. Some options descriptions:

StatusBarColor = 0 – different color for window borders (could be from 0 to 29);
DefaultColor = 160,60,60 – default color for StatusBarColor=28. As all StatusBar colors are predefined, this option gives possibility to assign any color to borders;
NiceGraphics = 0 – will TileWidth/TileHeight hold proportions.

Please note that for SDL client you can assign vector fonts in .ttf format, eg
Font = UbuntuMono-Regular.ttf
It means that if you play SDL client – you can scale windows as you wish without need to create new raster fonts.


Editing files

Folder \lib\customize contains certain files. Should NOT be edited:
class.prf and race.prf – contains lore for character creation screen;
presets.prf – defines special attr/char mappings for use in “graphics” mode.

Edit only if you are knowing what are you doing:
sound.prf – configuration file for sound events;
font files – contain fonts mapping.

Could be edited:
message.prf – default message colors. Careful in editing!
pref.prf – default keymappings for “default” actions of various kinds; this file includes, if appropriate, various “sub-files”. Note that the “X” key is mapped in both keysets to the key sequence “w0”, which will “swap weapons” as long as both weapons contain the inscription “@0”. For example, inscribe your main weapon as “@1@0” and your digger (or secondary weapon) as “@2@0”.
user.prf – all around macro file, will load any time you run the client
mage.prf, warrior.prf, rogue.prf … – will load any time when you will run certain class.

Finaly you can customise the macro file to load with your character’s name, for example: angus.prf (btw Angus was a player who wrote an ancestor of this guide).

Macro files load in order:
If F1 is set to shoot a bow in user-win.prf, eat food in paladin.prf and to read a teleport scroll in angus.prf and assuming you are running a character named Angus who is a paladin, F1 will be set to read a teleport since angus.prf loads last.

Some macro commands:
\e – [Escape] – Pretty much do this with everything that you macro. Ensures you stop whatever else you are doing and perform your macro NOW.
\s – [space] – Useful to ‘chain’ commands.
( – ‘friendly’ target other players, good for healing party members (can also be used with offensive spells).



File window.prf will appear in \lib\user\ after character creation and it contains an automatic dump. Don’t edit this file as changes will be deleted and replaced automatically from server. Edit stuff in game within options =

This file got the “usage” on the various windows. Be aware that this file needs to be used in conjunction with the mangclient.ini configuration file. Example of it’s usage:

# Window 'Main window', Flag 'Display status'
# Window 'Main window', Flag 'Display player (compact)'



File <character name>.prf will appear in \lib\user\ after character creation and it contains an automatic dump. Don’t edit this file as changes will be deleted and replaced automatically from server. Edit stuff in game within options = 

These are the options from the = menu in the client:
Y = on
X = off

# Option 'Use the roguelike command keyset'

# Option 'Use old target by default'

# Option 'Always pickup items'

# Option 'Always pickup items matching inventory'

# Option 'Notify on object recharge'

# Option 'Show flavors in object descriptions'

# Option 'Center map continuously'

# Option 'Disturb whenever viewable monster moves'

# Option 'Show damage player deals to monsters'

# Option 'Color: Illuminate torchlight in yellow'

# Option 'Color: Shimmer multi-colored things'

# Option 'Color: Player color indicates % hit points'

# Option 'Color: Show unique monsters in purple'

# Option 'Show walls as solid blocks'

# Option 'Show walls with shaded background'

# Option 'Use sound'

# Option 'Show effective speed as multiplier'

# Option 'Color: Illuminate torchlight in orange'

# Option 'Use special color for party leader'

# Option 'Disturb whenever map panel changes'

# Option 'Always say Yes to Yes/No prompts'

# Option 'Get out of icky screens when disturbed'

# Option 'Active auto-retaliator'

# Option 'Freeze screen after detecting monsters'

# Option 'Disturb whenever monsters bash down doors'

# Option 'Activate fire-till-kill mode'

# Option 'Kick out when starving while at full hps'

# Option 'Risky casting'

# Option 'Force player descent'

# Option 'Word of Recall has no effect'

# Option 'Restrict creation of artifacts'

# Option 'Show level feelings'

# Option 'Increase gold drops but disable selling'

# Option 'Start with a kit of useful gear'

# Option 'Restrict the use of stores/home'

# Option 'Death is permanent'

# Option 'Play as a fruit bat'

# Hitpoint warning (0-9)

# Base delay factor (0-255)

# Movement delay factor (0-9)

After options there is a list of keymappings in this file. At this particular file keymappings are also not editable. Example:




Then this file got autoinscriptions dump; it’s also not editable. Example:

inscribe:mushroom:Fast Recovery:@E1

To report typo, error or make suggestion: select text and press Ctrl+Enter.

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