Player options

Options are accessible through the = command, which provides an interface to the various sets of options available to the player.

In the descriptions below, each option is listed as the textual summary which is shown on the “options” screen, plus the internal name of the option in brackets, followed by a textual description of the option.

Note that the internal name of the option can be used in user pref files (.prf files in \lib\customize folder) to force the option to a given setting. Various concepts are mentioned in the descriptions below, including “disturb”, (cancel any running, resting, or repeated commands, which are in progress), “flush” (forget any keypresses waiting in the keypress queue), “fresh” (dump any pending output to the screen), and “sub-windows” (see below).


User interface Options

Rogue-like commands – selects the No-NumPad command set.

Use old target by default – forces all commands which normally ask for a “direction” to use the current “target” if there is one. Use of this option can be dangerous if you target locations on the ground, unless you clear them when done.

Always pickup items – automatically picks up items when you walk upon them, provided it is safe to do so.

Always pickup items matching inventory – like pickup_always, but picks up an item only if it is a copy of an item that you already have in your inventory.

Notify on object recharge – this causes the game to print a message when any rechargeable object (i.e. a rod or activatable weapon or armour item) finishes recharging.

Show flavors in object descriptions – display “flavors” (color or variety) in object descriptions, even for objects whose type is known. This does not affect objects in stores.

Center map continuously – the map always centres on the player with this option on. With it off, it is divided into 25 sections, with coordinates (0,0) to (4,4), and will show one section at a time – the display will “flip” to the next section when the player nears the edge.

Disturb whenever viewable monster moves – disturb the player when any viewable monster moves, and also whenever any monster becomes viewable for the first time. This option ignores the existence of “telepathy” for the purpose of determining whether a monster is “viewable”.

Show damage player deals to monsters – shows the damage that the player deals to monsters for melee and ranged combat in the messages.

Use special colors for torch-lit grids  – this option causes special colors to be used for “torch-lit” grids. Turning this option off will slightly improve game speed.

Animate multi-coloured monsters and items – certain powerful monsters and items will shimmer in real time, i.e. between keypresses.

Player color indicates low hit points – this option makes the player ‘@’ turn various shades of colour from white to red, depending on percentage of HP remaining.

Show unique monsters in a special colour – all “unique” monsters will be shown in a light purple colour, which is not used for any “normal” monsters – so you can tell at a glance that they are unique. If you like the idea but don’t like the colour, you can edit it via the “interact with colors” option.

Show walls as solid blocks – walls are solid blocks instead of # for granite and % for veins. Veins are coloured darker than granite for differentiation purposes.

Show walls with shaded background – walls appear as # and % symbols overlaid on a gray background block. This overrides solid_walls.

Use sound  – turns on sound effects, if your system supports them.

Show effective speed as multiplier – instead of showing absolute speed modifier (e.g. ‘Slow (-2)’ or ‘Fast (+38)’), show the effective rate at which the character is moving (e.g. ‘Slow (x0.8)’ or ‘Fast (x4.1)’).


MAngband options

Use orange color for torch-lit grids – this option causes special “torch-lit” grids to be displayed in “orange”
instead of “yellow”.

Use special color for party leader – this option activates a special color scheme for party leaders, so that party members can quickly determine who’s the leader and follow that player in the dungeon easily.

Disturb whenever map panel changes – this option causes you to be disturbed by the screen “scrolling”, as it does when you get close to the “edge” of the screen.

Always say Yes to Yes/No prompts – allows to say “yes” to any “[y/n]” prompt without having to press a key.

Get out of icky screens when disturbed – this causes the game to leave “icky” screens when the character is disturbed, as if the ESC key was pressed. Very helpful to avoid being killed while consulting knowledge screens, setting options or creating keymaps.

Active auto-retaliator – if this option is on, a player is able to auto-attack any monster when there is only one monster around the player. If this option is off, or when there are more than one monster around the player, a player need to target a monster first in order to attack it repeatedly (by moving into that monster or using the target command).

Freeze screen after detecting monsters – this option causes detected monsters to stay displayed on the screen until the player presses a command. If the option is off, the screen will be automatically refreshed after one turn has passed.

Disturb whenever monsters bash down doors – disturb the player when any monster bashes a door on the level.

Activate fire-till-kill mode – this option enables repeat casting and shooting until there are no more enemies on the screen (or the player is disturbed).

Kick out when starving while at full hps – disconnect the player immediately if starving while at full hps. This will prevent people from starving while afk.

Risky casting – allow the player to cast spells while not having the required amount of mana at the risk of damaging constitution and getting paralyzed


Birth (difficulty) options



Subwindow setup

In addition to the main window, you can create additional window displays that have other secondary information on them. You can access the subwindow menu by using ‘=’ then ‘w’. You can select what windows to display. You may then need to make the window visible using the “window” pull down menu from the menu bar. There are a variety of subwindow choices and you should experiment to see which ones are the most useful for you.

“Sub-windows” are windows which can be used to display useful information generally available through other means. The best thing about these windows is that they are updated automatically (usually) to reflect the current state of the world. The possible choices should be pretty obvious.

Display inven/equip
Display the player inventory (and sometimes the equipment).

Display equip/inven
Display the player equipment (and sometimes the inventory).

Display player (basic)
Display a brief description of the character, including a breakdown of the current player “skills” (including attacks/shots per round).

Display player (extra)
Display a special description of the character, including some of the “flags” which pertain to a character, and a breakdown of the contributions of each equipment item to various resistances and stats.

Display player (compact)
Display a brief description of the character (also available on the main window).

Display map view
Display an overhead view of the entire dungeon level.

Display messages
Display the most recently generated “messages”.

Display monster recall
Display a description of the monster which has been most recently attacked, targeted, or examined in some way.

Display object recall
Display a description of the object which has been most recently examined.

Display monster list
Display a list of monsters you know about and their distance from you (also available via the ‘[‘ command).

Display status
Display the current status of the player, with permanent or temporary boosts, resistances and illnesses (also available on the main window).

Display item list
Display a list of items you know about and their distance from you.

Display chat messages
Display chat messages in a separate sub-window. This will only work when selecting “Term-4” (or “Chat Window”) as the chat window.

Display spell list
Display the list of all spells that have been learned by the player.

Display special info
Display special recall screens in a separate sub-window.


Ignore settings

Tangaria allows you to ignore specific items that you don’t want to see anymore. These items are marked ‘ignored’ and any similar items are hidden from view. The easiest way to ignore an item is with the k (or ^D) command; the object is dropped and then hidden from view. When ignoring an object, you will be given a choice of ignoring just that object, or all objects like it in some way.

The entire ignoring system can also be accessed from the options menu = by choosing i for Item ignoring setup. This allows ignore settings for non-wearable items, and quality and ego ignore settings (described below) for wearable items, to be viewed or changed.

There is a quality setting for each wearable item type. Ignoring a wearable item will prompt you with a question about whether you wish to ignore all of that type of item with a certain quality setting, or of an ego type, or both.

The quality settings are:

Weapon/armor with negative AC, to-hit or to-dam, or item with zero base cost.

Weapon/armor with no pluses no minuses, or any other non-magical item.

Weapon/armor with positive AC, to-hit or to-dam, but without any special abilities, brands, slays, stat-boosts, resistances, or magical items.

This setting only leaves artifacts unignored.

The ‘ignore_lvl’ option, if non-zero, is the quality level of items that are considered “junk items” by the player. It can range from 1 (worthless items) to 6 (all items except artifacts). This value can be set for nine different categories of items: jewelry, dragon scale mails, melee weapons, missiles that can be fired, missiles that can be thrown, other wearable items, books, junk items and other consumable items.


Set base delay factor

The ‘delay_factor’ value, if non-zero, will slow down the visual effects used for missile, bolt, beam, and ball attacks. The actual time delay is equal to ‘delay_factor’ squared, in milliseconds.


Set hitpoint warning

A trigger for the time bubble slowdown effect: at which time in-game will be slowed. It’s recommendated to use 6 (60%) for new players. At the same time this value is the percentage of maximal hitpoints at which the player is warned that he may die. It is also used as the cut-off for using the color red to display both hitpoints and mana.


Set movement delay

The ‘lazymove_delay’ value, if non-zero, is the maximum time delay allowed by the game to let two directional keystrokes pressed in short succession act like a single one (for example, pressing up and right quickly will allow the character to move diagonally; useful for players without numpads). The actual time delay is equal to ‘lazymove_delay’ times 100 milliseconds.


User Pref Files (Load a user pref file)

Tangaria stores your preferences in files called “user pref files”, which contain comments and “user pref commands”, which are simple strings describing one aspect of the system about which the user has a preference. They can store:

  • Altered visual appearances for game entities
  • Inscriptions to automatically apply to items
  • Keymaps
  • Altered colours
  • Subwindow settings
  • Colours for different types of messages
  • What audio files to play for different types of messages

They are simple text files with an easy to modify format, and the game has a set of pre-existing pref files in the lib/customize/ folder. It’s recommended you don’t modify these.

Several options menu = items allow you to load existing user pref files, create new user pref files, or save to a user pref file.

In Windows OS all of the files are kept in the lib/user/ directory, though you may have to use one of the command line arguments to redirect this directory, especially on multiuser systems.

When the game starts up, after you have loaded or created a character, some user pref files are loaded automatically. These are the ones mentioned above in the lib/customize/ folder, namely pref.prf followed by font.prf. If you have graphics turned on, then the game will also load some settings from lib/tiles/.

After these are complete, the game will try to load (in order):

Race.prf – where race is your character’s race
Class.prf – where class if your character’s class
Name.prf – where name is your character’s name
So, you can save some settings – for example, keymaps – to the Mage.prf file if you only want them to be loaded for mages.

You may also enter single user pref commands directly, using the special “Enter a user pref command” command, activated by pressing ".

You may have to use the redraw command ^R after changing certain of the aspects of the game to allow PWMAngband to adapt to your changes.


Save options to pref file

It’s important to save game options after you changed something, if you wish to have this options after you start game next time. In most cases it’s alright to save options with default name – <your-character.prf> (game suggest it automatically upon saving).


Save autoinscriptions to pref file

If you wish to save inscriptions which you’ve made on your items, so even if your character would die – you won’t need to inscribe items again – it’s good idea to save autoinscriptions.


Edit keymaps

There is a separate chapter in the guide about keymaps:


Edit colours

The “Interact with colors” menu allows you to change the actual internal values used to display various colors. This command may or may not have any effect on your machine. Advanced machines may allow you to change the actual RGB values used to represent each of the 16 colors used by Tangaria, and perhaps even allow you to define new colors which are not currently used by Tangaria.

Colors can be specified in user pref files as lines of the form

Interface details

Some aspects of how the game is presented, notably the font, window placement and graphical tile set, are controlled by the front end, rather than the core of the game itself. Each front end has its own mechanism for setting those details and recording them between game sessions. Below are brief descriptions for what you can configure with the standard `Windows` and `SDL` front ends.

Windows — mangclient.exe

With the Windows front end, the game, by default, displays several of the subwindows and uses Tangaria’s graphical tiles to display the map. You can close a subwindow with the standard close control on the window’s upper right corner. Closing the main window with the standard control causes the game to save its current state and then exit. You can reopen or also close a subwindow via the “Visibility” menu, the first entry in the “Window” menu for the main window. To move a window, use the standard procedure: position the mouse pointer on the window’s title bar and then click and drag the mouse to change the window’s position. Click and drag on the edges or corners of a window to change its size. To select the font for a window, use the “Font” menu, the second entry in the “Window” menu for the main window.

The “Term Options” entry in the “Window” menu for the main window is a shortcut to access the core game’s method for selecting the contents of the subwindows. The “Reset Layout” will rearrange the windows to conform with the current size and will have a similar result to what you would get from restarting the Windows interface without a preset configuration.

The “Bizarre Display” entry in the “Window” menu allows to toggle on or off an alternate text display algorithm for each window. That was added for compatibility with Windows Vista and later. The default setting, on, should likely be used, unless text display is garbled on your system and the off setting allows text to be displayed properly.

The “Increase Tile Width” and “Decrease Tile Width” options in the “Window”, let you increment or decrement, by one pixel, the width of the columns in a window. The “Increase Tile Height” and “Decrease Tile Height” options are similar but work with the height of the rows. For the primary window, you could use the “Term 0 Font Tile Size” entry as an alternative to those to set the width of the columns and height of the rows to certain combinations or to match the width and height of the font, which is the default. When the “Enable Nice Graphics” option is on (it’s in the “Options” menu for the main window), the “Increase Tile Width”, “Decrease Tile Width”, “Increase Tile Height”, “Decrease Tile Height”, and “Term 0 Font Tile Size” entries will have no effect since the column width and row height are set automatically when that option is on.

To change whether graphical tiles are used, use the “Graphics” menu, the first entry in the “Options” menu for the main window. The “None” option in the “Graphics” menu will disable graphical tiles and use text for the map. The next section section in that menu allows you to select one of the graphical tile sets. Turning on the “Enable Nice Graphics” option in the “Graphics” menu is a shortcut for automatically setting sizes to get a reasonable-looking result. When that is turned on or is already on and the tile set is changed, the width of the columns (“tile width”), height of the rows (“tile height”) and the number of rows and columns used to display a tile (the “Tile Multiplier”) will be adjusted to work well with the current font size and the native size of the graphical tiles. You can manually adjust the number of rows and columns used for displaying a tile with the “Tile Multiplier” entry in the “Graphics” menu. Since typical fonts are often twice as tall as wide, multipliers where the first value, for the width, is twice the second, often x work better with the tiles that are natively square.

When you leave the game, the current settings for the Windows interface are saved as `mangclient.ini` in the directory that holds the executable. Those settings will be automatically reloaded the next time you start the Windows interface.

SDL — mangclient_sdl.exe

With the SDL front end, the main window and any subwindows are displayed within the application’s rectangular window. At the top of the application’s window is a status line. Within that status line, items highlighted in yellow are buttons that can be pressed to initiate an action. From left to right they are:

* The application’s version number – pressing it displays an information dialog about the application
* The currently selected terminal – pressing it brings up a menu for selecting the current terminal; you can also make a terminal the current one by clicking on the terminal’s title bar if it is visible
* Whether or not the current terminal is visible – pressing it for any terminal that is not the main window will allow you to show or hide that terminal
* The font for the current terminal – pressing it brings up a menu to choose the font for the terminal
* Options – brings up a dialog for selecting global options including those for the graphical tile set used and whether fullscreen mode is enabled
* Quit – to save the game and exit

To move a terminal window, click on its title bar and then drag the mouse. To resize a terminal window, position the mouse pointer over the lower right corner. That should cause a blue square to appear, then click and drag to resize the terminal.

To change the graphical tile set used when displaying the game’s map, press the Options button in the status bar. Then, in the dialog that appears, press one of the red buttons that appear to the right of the label, “Available Graphics:”. The last of those buttons, labeled “None”, selects text as the method for displaying the map. Your choice for the graphical tile set does not take effect until you press the red button labeled “OK” at the bottom of the dialog.

When you leave the game, the current settings for the SDL interface are saved as `sdlinit.txt` in the same directory as is used for preference files. Those settings will be automatically reloaded the next time you start the SDL interface.

Console commands

Commands used in case if you remapped default hotkeys. To use command enter chat mode with : and then write command. All commands (except /time) could be ‘summoned’ by \ command which make changed key work at regular basis… Thought \ command is quite dangerous because it could lead to death (eg if you accidentally press \ and then Ctrl+x in case if you have there macro for spell.. Available commands:

Purchase a house
/house /h

Display current time
/time /t

Check knowledge

Access party menu
/party /p

Display connected players
/who /@

View abilities

Drop gold
/gold /$

Kill character

/quit /q /exit

To report typo, error or make suggestion: select text and press Ctrl+Enter.

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