– Remove references to “src” path in lib files
– Further improve time bubble indicator
– Add time bubble indicator for tile mode
– Add LighterBlue option for mangclient_gcu.ini to make COLOUR_BLUE and COLOUR_L_BLUE lighter
– Make VAMPIRIC brand actually work
– Add modifiers to races/classes
Note: this release removes stats and other hardcoded values such as infravision for races and classes. For now on, these must be added as modifiers in the race and class text files. For example:
for a race or a class that has a +2 to strength innate modifier.
Values can be entered as a random value string to specify a variable modifier. For example:
will add +1 speed at levels 5, 20, 35 and 50. This will allow to un-hardcode things like Rogue speed bonus for example.
The server has been updated, there was a wipe and one more is coming, when I’ll rework new races 🙂 So for now it is better to play with races that have a small penalty on experience.